Important Cook outside
BBQ is the bestHow do I cook with charcoal?
Charcoal used to be tricky...
Here are some hints:
1.) Stack your bricks in the center. Pour lighter fluid on it, and wait a few minutes. ((This allows some of the fluid to be absorbed into the bricks.)) However, if you use the bricks that already have lighter fluid in them, you don't need as much.
2.) When you light it, stand back.
3.) Lighting the charcoal is only the beginning. You do NOT want to start cooking over the fire.
4.) When the visible flame has died down, and you have coals that are about 50% black (as opposed to 100%), go ahead and spread the coals around evenly.
5.) Go ahead and put the grill on top, and now you are ready to cook.
Watch your food well, constantly turning the food over, so as to cook evenly. And, ALWAYS keep a fire exstinguisher handy.
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